Tuesday, 25 June 2019

And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time

In 1997, †Seán Manchester was involved in a UK documentary film about Jesus' visit to the western confines of England. In 1998, he participated in a similar documentary for an American television network. †Seán Manchester provided the genesis of the Sacred Cup (sometimes known as the Holy Grail) from Palestine to England in the custody of St Joseph of Arimathea. In the NBC documentary, he spoke from Glastonbury Abbey, and in the UK programme at his private Retreat on the coast. As well as discussing the supernatural healing properties attributed to the Sacred Cup of the Last Supper, †Seán Manchester talked about the visits believed to have been made by Jesus to England and the coming of the Grail to Glastonbury after the Passion. It ought to be stressed that †Seán Manchester has never stated that the Nanteos Cup is the Holy Grail, ie the Sacred Cup used by Our Lord at the Last Supper, and personally entertains some doubt in claims of this kind made by others.

The above text reads:

"... protected by these monks who served as the private abbots of the Powell family church. There the monks found safe refuge for many years, and one by one, began to pass away. When the last of the Glastonbury monks reached the ends of his days, he entrusted the wooden cup to the Lord of Nanteos Manor, and gave him cryptic commandment to keep to keep it safe, until the church claims her own. Whether this meant until the church retakes the cup, or until the end of time, we will never know. Even now the graves of the monks who guarded this Grail Cup can be found on the grounds of Nanteos Manor. The cup had been kept in a box, covered by a velvet shroud, along with several papers and documents that testify to the long history of miraculous healing that have been associated with cup. These documents tell of cures arthritis, diseases, even the severe head injury of young member of the Powell family caused by a riding accident. The bowl exists now as only half of what it once was. The teeth of the devoted pilgrims and not so devoted relic hunters have literally, eaten away at the wood of the cup until it now consists of only one side and most of the base."

Sadly, the Reverend Peter Scothern, who also appeared in a television documentary where Bishop Manchester featured, went to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ on 10 January 2019. Peter was largely responsible for distributing Prayer Cloths that had been blessed in Holy Water and Chrism contained in the Nanteos Cup. The Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ also distributed these Prayer Cloths. The Nanteos Cup was stolen on the Bishop's birthday in 2014, and recovered by police twelve months later. The distribution of Prayer Cloths, however, is no longer occurring, following the death of Peter.


      The Reverend Peter Scothern                                   Bishop Seán Manchester

Nanteos Manor

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